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Education Minnesota Retired 

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 Coming soon! 
  • Education MN Retired election ballots in your mail boxes.
  • Governing Board endorsement for TRA Board of Trustees

Our Mission

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Education Minnesota Retired provides a united voice for retired educators of Minnesota.  We will advocate on behalf of members for issues important to retirees, such as pensions, health care, public education, social justice and other legislative issues through community engagement, organizing and political activism.​​


Our Purpose

  • Promote retirement with dignity, economic and social status, and the social welfare of the retired members.

  • Promote membership in Retired to eligible retirees.

  • Formulate and support programs that will benefit members in such matters as pensions, annuities, social security, health care and fair taxation.

  • Provide retirement counseling services

  • Promote and furnish mutual assistance, cooperation, united action with others who are devoted to the cause of public education.

  • Support the aims, goals and objectives of Education Minnesota, NEA, AFT, and AFL-CIO.

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Our Members

Education Minnesota Retired has approximately 10,000 members ranging in age from pre-retired to

over 100. The number of members increases annually.

Events organized for members include the Annual Meeting, regional meetings, Legislative Conference, Fall Breakfast, Fall Conference and MN/WI Conference.




Benefits of Retired Membership

  • Stay connected with other retired colleagues through publications, professional events and social events.

  • Participation in political action and legislative efforts.

  • Continued access to group benefits and rates:  Medicare supplement, health insurance, NEA insurance group rates, all other ESI/NEA/AFT benefits.

  • Liability insurance, legal representation; Retain these coverages when teaching as a day-to-day substitute in Minnesota public schools.

  • Affiliation and collaborations with other unions and retiree groups.



Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning which provides grant funds to members and other nonprofit groups.

Would You Like to Make A Donation?


Education Minnesota Political Action Committee which provides resource essentials in electing friends of education and lobbying to support educational programs critical to quality education in Minnesota.

Jack Kinnamon Scholarship: 

NEA Foundation program to provide resources for worthy aspiring educators as they continue their education. 

Using their experience in education and their flexible schedules, retired members can help build power in the union by:

  • Volunteering and recruiting other members to engage in pro-education campaign activities.

  • Serving as ambassadors for educators and the union with community service groups.

  • Covering hearings and lobbying for retiree's legislative priorities.

How do retired members benefit education and retirees in Minnesota?

      Stay Informed


Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution

Stay up-to-date with the latest news, updates, and trends in education. Our continually updated resources make it easy to stay informed and engaged. Check back often to see what's new!


A defined benefit plan (e.g., a pension) is one where you know what to expect in terms of a payout when you retire. A defined contribution plan (e.g., a 401(k) or IRA) is one where you choose how much to pay in without knowing what the retirement benefit will be.


Local Chapters

Education Minnesota Retired encourages and assists in the formation of local chapters and provides support for existing chapters. Grants are provided for the organization of
these local chapters.
Our current local chapters are North Metro Area, Burnsville, Edina, Minneapolis, Northfield, Owatonna, Rochester, and St. Croix.
For additional information, contact Wes Hanna, or Christine Thornborrow,

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