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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Chase table workers
Revolving picture
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Board members 2024
NEA Retired 2023
golf picture 1 ESI 2024
With Sue Wick Volunteering

The Minnesota Education Association and the Minnesota Federation of Teachers merged in 1998.  The MEA had a retired organization and so did MFT, but neither group had a very strong retired organization.  Leaders from both organizations got together and worked out how to merge the retired organizations.  After two years of work, a Constitution and Bylaws was passed in March of 2000, forming Education Minnesota Retired.  For the first two years, there were two co-chairs of the organization.  Walt Munsterman was elected as the first president of Education Minnesota Retired after the final Constitution and Bylaws were adopted at the Retired’s first Annual Meeting in 2000.




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Education Minnesota Retired is a statewide organization representing retired educators from across the state. The state has been divided into eight election districts. The Governing Board conducts the business of the organization. The Governing Board consists of officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate past president), two District Directors elected from each election district, two At-Large Directors, one Director representing ESP members, and one Director representing higher education. See the attached map of the election districts. 

Retired is affiliated with Education Minnesota, AFT, NEA, and the Minnesota AFL-CIO Retiree Council. 

National Representatives

Education Minnesota Retired members are representing our state at the national level. Several members spend time with the NEA and AFT working on behalf of our state organization and our members.  Reports from these individuals are included here.
NEA-Board of Directors:  Judy Rohde

NEA-Retired Executive Council: Bobbie Margo
NEA-Retired Communications Commitee Chair: Bobbie Margo
NEA-Fund for Children and Public Education: Jayne Schwalbach
NEA-Retired Legislative Committee: Joan Beaver
NEA-Retired Communications Committee: Myrna Doran
NEA-Retired Social Justice Commitee: Julie Jagusch
AFT Retired Program and Policy Council: Walt Munsterman
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